These medicines coordinate garlic and ginger

1 . Ginger Garlic with poorly healing foot yang ( male sexual impairment ) . Use 30g ginger 2 cloves garlic, roasted and mixed together . Then eat alone or eat with ( the secret is roasting ) . After 1 week continuous feed , you will see performance , especially with young people and temporary decline .
2 . Flu infection , fever headache , fear of cold , no sweating , nausea bad : 15g fresh ginger , 6 cloves of garlic , a little sugar . For the 3 best things to drink , drink when enlisted hot , drunk , lying on the bed blanket closed . Every day drink 1 scale as above . Feel the effects .
A combination of all medications with ginger garlic 1

3 . Cure crush , coma : fresh ginger , garlic , chives vegetables each a moderate amount . Wash 3 things above, peeled ginger garlic , smashed and chopped into drinking water .
4 . Cold by cold : ginger 100g , 400g garlic , 10ml honey , lemon 3-4 result , 800ml wine . Peeled crushed garlic , lemon and ginger peeled and sliced ​​5ml honey in cooking . Then pour alcohol on your immersion in the solution . Three months later , filtered water to drink .
Every time you drink 3 - 5cc mixed with cold water . Do not drink too much .
5 . Vomiting vomiting due to cold water or a small amount of food , color pale face , fatigue , white tongue moss , pulse weak ginger 1 bulb , 1 bulb garlic , ginger garlic mix into pound cake , packing in blood conductivity ( below the navel ) and the vented cabinet ( at the wrist ) .
6 . Profile of blood work , welding facilities scattered , except arthritis . Fresh ginger juice , water, onions, garlic, water , water leaves chives , sesame oil , each 120g , 30g wormwood leaf water , white wine 600g . First the ginger , onions , garlic , chives , sage leaves into warm , mix well , then the white wine to the boil on the fire to boil . Then pour in the sesame oil , stir well , and simmer until very comparable , for little more turpentine , stir in a single rose high into jars for personal use . When used to warm up , apply to towel up into the numbness , pain . Every 1-2 days instead of 1 time .
7 . The effects of communication , reduce numbness , pain . Chest pain , mostly caused by stop welding circuit center , stagnant air in the chest . Common symptoms , chest full of news , sometimes painful , sometimes excruciating pain ... 2 bulbs garlic , fresh ginger 8g , taro 60g , 60g pharmaceutical coatings . All things on bringing smashed , covered in sores , taking place on gauze , adhesive tape fixed it.
8 . Declaration of interest , waste gas , open sound , voice loss , largely due to heat , throat penetration welding room leads to : 6g garlic , fresh ginger 3g , 20g tarragon leaves , egg whites 1 results . All 3 herbs , bringing down the pound , the egg whites and mix well , cover the graves of access ( the hollow lies in the 7th vertebra , when sitting bent over ) , and the pressure points in the feet Careers . Then use the tape tightly .
9 . Christmas fire , pain , dental pain : 6g fresh ginger , garlic, 6g , 12g tea leaves , 12g majesty first . All bring down the pound , a little sesame oil and egg whites in and mix up the grave to bring the cup ( the hollow between thumb and index finger ) and put in the grave the same route ( the hollow under the soles of feet, located in the third from the heel to the big toe ) . Then use sticky tape fixed it.
10 . Pi conditions , diuretic , all chronic nephritis treatment : 3 slices fresh ginger , 1 bunch scallions , garlic, 3 branches . Bring on the three pound , squeeze the paste around the navel wheel . 3 times daily dressing changes .
According to sources from modern medicine